Biomedical Treatment For Autism Success Stories For Parents

GET THE VACCINE INJURY RESOURCE GUIDE CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS – Include Doctor Resources!!! The symptoms of Autism can be reversed and children with Autism can be improved or fully recovered when the right medical treatment for Autism is employed, especially when underlying biomedical problems are properly treated. Some of these biomedical problems include food allergies, autoimmune issues, gut lesions, heavy metal toxicity, nutritional decencies, an inability to detoxify environmental toxins, mineral depletion, lowered immune function, vaccine poisoning and other medical problems. These medical problems can lead to constipation, toe walking, sensory overwhelm, inability to communicate, spinning, toning, poor digestion,…

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Mom Refuses Ritalin and Heals Her ADHD Autism Kids With Natural Medicine

By Deborah Merlin, author of Victory Over ADHD Hello. I am Deborah Merlin, the author of Victory over ADHD, a book that explains a holistic approach for helping children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I’d like to share with you the struggles I had raising twin sons who were born prematurely and how natural medicine offered success after years of conventional medicine failures. Both of my sons received conflicting diagnosis by the time they were three-years-old.  Their diagnosis included: high functioning autism, Aspergers Syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Their premature birth caused them to have speech delays, gross…

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Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics

By Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD Autism is a behavioral or psychiatric diagnosis with symptoms that include lack of eye contact, an inability to speak or poor social interactions. Unfortunately, the real problem with the vast majority of children diagnosed with Autism is that they were poisoned beyond what their bodies could process at a critical point in their development. For some, the poisoning came from pesticides or volatile organic compounds, but for most it was a soup of toxins and immune system disruptors found in vaccines, including the most deadly non-radioactive element on earth, mercury. Instead of identifying the root…

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Autism Is A Medical Problem And There Is Proven, Effective Medical Treatment

By Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD. For many children, the environmental illness that we have been incorrectly calling autism is actually an illness that has been exacerbated by too many toxic vaccines. Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of people in governmental circles who know that certain vaccine ingredients, such as ethyl mercury found in the preservative Thimerosal, will cause neurobehavioral problems and negatively impact the health of vaccinated children. In fact, for over 20 years, the federal government has publicly denied a vaccine-autism link, while at the same time its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has been awarding damages for…

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Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage – Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD, FACHM

By Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD According to the DSM IV Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual, Autism is not “Autism” if there are medical problems in the person given that diagnosis. Since the vast majority of children diagnosed with Autism also have medical problems, the diagnosis is not valid according to Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD. In this video Dr. Stoller shares: • Most children diagnosed with Autism never receive a medical workup, but if they did, the doctor would likely discover metabolic and toxicity problems. • Problems include compromised immune systems, inability to detoxify and nutritional deficiencies. • The “Autism” diagnosis often…

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Vaccines and Toxins Cause Autism, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS & Crib Death

Dr. David Davis, MD, gives insight into the multiple toxins along with an intensive vaccine schedule that ultimately contributes to the rise of Autism and Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS). His book, “Dancing Cats, Silent Canaries—A Traditional Medical Doctor Takes A Closer Look At Unsolved Epidemics Of Autism & SIDS And Proposes A Solution,” brings to light that multiple vaccines early in life combined with the highly toxic PVC used to make baby mattresses and cribs contribute to the alarming rate of Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS) and Autism. Dancing Cats comes from an…

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Effectively Treat Autism With Personalized Medicine by Dr. David Davis, MD

Autism is a disease characterized by behavioral abnormalities and symptoms. We don’t have a full appreciation for what it is. We do know that it’s not a psychiatric disease; it’s more of a metabolic disease – a metabolic disease consisting of neurological problems associated with gastrointestinal, immune, and detoxification problems. So it’s a very multifaceted constellation of symptoms we’ve tried to group together, and we really do not have a firm handle on what exactly it is. Autism is diagnosed by looking at atypical behaviors and repetitive symptoms. Typically, a child with autism will show stemming, flapping of the arms,…

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Autistic Child Fully Recovered with Biomedical Treatment

Holly Riley is the parent of a fully recovered autistic child, her son Quinn. Quinn was diagnosed with Autism around the age of two and yet in a just a few short years, through the use of biomedical treatment and traditional autism therapies, Quinn was able to come out of the Autism fog. In this video Holly shares that: Quinn was fairly normal in his infancy, until about 1.5 years After his first birthday he exhibited unusual behaviors including spinning He wasn’t talking, even at two years of age Holly figured out that Quinn had Autism after reading a book,…

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TheAutSpot Is An Autism Community and Resources Center

The autspot is an online autism resource for parents, families, and specialists whose lives are touched by the autism spectrum disorders. Join theautspot online community for free to read and share inspirational autism stories with the autism society of America and individuals across the globe. Take advantage of their autspot library to learn more information on autism characteristics, early signs of autism in infants, diagnosis, and all the different therapies and diets to help kids with autism. Also browse their resources section, which contains over 7,000 autism resources (therapists, doctors, support groups, schools for students with autism, lawyers, dentists, diet…

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Magnesium: A Natural Way To Treat Constipation, Insomnia and Muscle Tension

In this video Dr. Angela Agrios, ND (A California Licensed Naturopathic Doctor) discusses the benefits of taking a magnesium supplement. She explains that Magnesium: • Is essential to life • One of the most prevalent minerals in the body • Part of over 300 metabolic pathways in the body • A multivitamin won’t have enough of it • Found in dark leafy greens • Good for muscle tension, insomnia, migraines, constipation • Natural Calm Magnesium is recommended ( • Magnesium Citrate is the ingredient in Natural Calm • Powder is easier to take than a tablet • 600 mg is…

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How The Body Creates Powerful, Life-Long Immunity Without Vaccination or Immunization

In this video Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist David J. Getoff explains how we develop life-long immunity to infectious diseases by first getting them, and then recovering from them! He explain: Children get immunity from the mother from birth going through the vagina. More immunity is created as the child breast-feeds. As the child is exposed to various bacteria in his or her environment, the immune system identifies it and develops immunity to it if it is pathogenic. It’s not required to have a perfectly clean house or area; it’s not about avoiding the “bad bacteria” but rather it’s about having…

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Mom Explains Vaccine Injury and Why Not To Vaccinate: Parent of Recovered Autistic Child

Holly Riley and her husband followed the recommended vaccination schedule until it became apparent that their son’s health was deteriorating and even wound up with a diagnosis of Autism. In this video Mrs. Riley talks about: Her son was fully vaccinated up to age of two. During their research into Autism they discovered that vaccines played a role in their son’s development of Autism. Her first vaccine assault was the flu vaccine, because of the mercury content. The next vaccine assault was the Hepatitis B vaccine. Research has shown that the Hepatitis B vaccine will cause motor skill problems and…

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Mercury Poisoning from Vaccines and Environment Can Cause Autism

Autism Is A Man-Made Epidemic (Dan Olmsted, Author of The Age of Autism) The symptoms of autism are unique and really were not seen before the 1930s when a certain type of ethylmercury compound was first used. So in a sense, it’s a novel form of mercury poisoning – that’s the title of the first study that suggested this idea. In other cases, though, you can see similar things like central nervous system damage and gastrointestinal issues, which various kinds of mercury can cause. And mercury poisoning and Autism look very similar, when you line up the symptom profiles. Mercury…

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Biomedical Treatment, Chelation Therapy and Supplements Help Recover Autistic Child

Defeat Autism Now Doctor Recovers Child (Becky Peabody Estepp, parent) I have a son named Aaron who’s twelve years old. Ten years ago this week, he was diagnosed with autism. We’ve done many biomedical treatments throughout the years, also some complimentary traditional treatments, and I would say he’s about 75 percent recovered. We haven’t made a full recovery, but the boy that he is now is nothing like the boy he used to be, and I’d like to share my story. We found out Eric had autism October 6th, 2000. It wasn’t because a doctor told me; in fact, it was…

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Autistic Child Gets Much Better When Dairy, Gluten and Heavy Metals Are Removed

DAN! Doctor Transformed My Child (Wren, parent) I’m a mother of an eight-year-old boy with autism. He was actually born with some symptoms of autism, but at the time, I didn’t know. He had illnesses, vomiting, constipation, things like that – very sick child. But at 15 months, it was apparent that he had autism, and he was diagnosed with autism. Even though I have the diagnosis kind of thrown out there, I didn’t know what to do; still trying to solve his physical illnesses. He was very unhappy, very sad, very angry little child. Went to six or seven…

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